The Energy Sector is transitioning from being carbon intensive to increasingly Low Carbon with strategies around the world to be at Net Zero by 2050 or sooner. The Energy Transition is critical for the planet to abate the threat of Climate Change and creates opportunities and threats to the incumbent Oil & Gas industry to adjust to the new reality of public opinion and policy.
For newer players and start-ups in renewable energy, the Energy Transition, is proving an unprecedented opportunity to be disruptive and for growth, whilst for the old guard Oil & Gas companies, there is a real and present existential threat, that could without immediate action lead to their relatively quick marginalisation and/or demise. Oil & Gas companies do however benefit from some key strengths and attributes including; global reach, strong balance sheets, experience of the energy value chain and the execution of major capital projects.
The Lyndon Energy Group uniquely brings together the skills and experience needed to deploy the most potent technologies at scale to both decarbonise fossil fuels through the deployment of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) and Blue Hydrogen and accelerate and deepen the roll-out of renewable energy with a focus on Solar PV and Green Hydrogen.
Lyndon Energy Group was founded in 2011 by a team of ex. BP Executives whose collective expertise runs more than 150 years and spans the entire Oil, Gas (inc. LNG) and Power value chains and the Alternative & Renewables sectors of the energy industry.
Lyndon Energy Group is a progressive and innovative company, committed to the decarbonisation of the fossil fuel economy and to the deployment of proven renewable energy technologies to accelerate progress towards net zero. The Group also has its own in-house R&D and technology development programme and uses this proprietary know-how to ensure we are always ahead of the competition.
The group develops utility scale renewable energy projects via its subsidiary Arinna Solar with a focus on solar pv, deploying highly efficient second generation and bi-facial modules, coupled with AI enabled storage where the circumstances as suitable. The group delivers its green hydrogen fuel offer under the H2fuel brand and consultancy as Renewable Hydrogen Solutions.
In addition to developing our own projects, Lyndon Energy provides "Expert Consultancy Services" to Clients who require commercial and or technical support, in particular in the CCS/CCUS space where the team has unique experience of the entire value chain from source to sink having had leading roles on many of the worlds most high profile demonstration projects and these services are typically delivered by CCS TLM, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lyndon Energy that was incorporated in 2009.